In the bustling world of coaching and personal development, Tish Dinkins stands out as a beacon for both aspiring coaches and those seeking transformation. In an exclusive interview, Dinkins shares her insightful strategies, personal philosophies, and the dynamic approach that has propelled her to success in a fiercely competitive industry. At the heart of her practice, Dinkins emphasizes the importance of human connection, asserting that potential clients must see her as a person first and a business second. This foundational belief guides her interactions, whether in person or online, fostering trust and rapport from the outset.
Dinkins also highlights the critical role of providing value upfront, leveraging free digital content, direct social media engagement, and live events to demonstrate the transformative potential of her services. She candidly discusses the pitfalls of the industry’s sometimes superficial online presence, choosing instead a path of genuine engagement over the allure of flashy, misleading advertisements.
For those embarking on their journey as coaches and authors, Dinkins offers sage advice: know yourself, stand firm in your values, and never journey alone. Her commitment to a balanced life—integrating spiritual, health, family, and recreational pursuits—serves as a model for maintaining well-being amidst the demands of entrepreneurship. By embracing a variety of platforms, from books to live streams, and staying abreast of industry trends through continuous learning and networking, Dinkins not only reaches a broader audience but also ensures her clients receive the most current and effective guidance. Through her innovative approaches and steadfast dedication, Tish Dinkins not only navigates the challenges of the coaching world but also lights the way for others to follow.
The coaching industry is competitive. What strategies do you employ to stand out and attract potential clients?
Above all else, I want potential clients to know that I’m a human first and a business second, just as I see them as a human first and a client second. People love to do business with those that they like and trust, so I make sure that when I meet someone in person or virtually, they receive that first impression of me being a likable human being (which I am). Once that rapport is established, I can see if my services are a great fit to solve their problems. I make sure that I lead with providing free value so that they will receive a preview of the awesome services I can deliver. Being able to reach potential clients through free digital materials, direct messaging on social media, webinars, or live events also helps me to stand out since many entrepreneurs are too afraid to utilize these avenues. The vast majority are hiding behind the false internet rhetoric of today. This involves displaying a flashy (and most of the time false) lifestyle on social media and paying for tricky ads, hoping for a “Field of Dreams” scenario – if you build it, they will come. I believe in directly interacting with clients, for that is the best and honest way.
Many aspiring coaches may be looking up to you as a role model. What advice would you give to someone who is just starting their journey as a coach and author?
For starters, you must know who you are and what you stand for. This will help you stand your ground when faced with situations that will cause you to compromise your standards (if you let it). Also, make sure that you are doing what you have been called to do, not what someone else wants you to do. You will endure and serve your clients best when your heart is in it and when you are qualified in your respective field to serve them. Another important key is to find a positive and supportive community to join who will continue to encourage you and offer assistance whenever necessary. You should never have to be on this entrepreneurial journey alone. Lastly, don’t give up! You may not reach the level of success as fast as you would like, but I can guarantee that you will never make it if you quit! Keep going because someone who’s watching you needs to see you make it.
How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance while running a successful coaching business and pursuing your passion for writing?
I create a daily routine that includes habits and tasks that must be implemented consistently. I have routines that involve all areas of life – spiritual, health, vocation, family, and recreation. Although sometimes it seems easier said than done, I still make sure that they are completed. The key to accomplishing this is to put everything on a calendar, including the necessary time allotted for that task. I’ve had to learn the hard way that if it’s not on the calendar, it’s not important and needs to go on the back burner. It’s also important for me to make sure I schedule enough time for family and recreation. This helps me to avoid burnout by not strictly focusing on business-related tasks all the time. The more that we balance our schedule for all parts of our life, the more results we will see come into fruition.
As an author and coach, how do you leverage different mediums (books, online platforms, workshops, etc.) to reach a broader audience and make a positive impact?
I leverage my books and weekly livestreamed show to get me on more platforms to talk about my business and success topics in general. So far, I have been able to be featured in several articles, speak at several virtual and live workshops and events, and even had podcast opportunities open up for me. The more platforms I am able to share my personality and message on, the higher the chances of being able to connect and work with some amazing clients down the road. I always encourage the viewers or listeners of these platforms to make sure they connect with me by sending them to my website so that I can further engage and connect with them, even giving them value for free!
How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the coaching industry to ensure your clients receive the best guidance possible?
The two keys that help in this area are continuing education and networking with those in my industry. I attend multiple art and business workshops year-round, both virtually and in person, to stay abreast of the latest trends and new ideas that are relevant during that time. I also engage in self-education, whether I do research on YouTube or indulge in reading material that will expand my horizons. But of course, nothing beats good ole trial and error when it comes to experimenting. This has helped me tremendously in deciding whether to implement a concept or to ditch the idea and start over from a different angle. I also attend events in the community to meet and network with peers in my same field. Creatives and artists love to share and engage with one another, and I have found that this cohesiveness has only served to elevate the genre as a whole. The positive energy and knowledge that I receive from such a group helps fuel me as an individual and as an entrepreneur, which is ultimately passed along to my clients.
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