Vladislav Soloviev, a well-known analyst, political analyst, and blogger, regularly publishes materials in the leading mass media outlets and online resources and runs a channel on the Zen platform, but rarely gives interviews and never appears on TV. He does not make YouTube videos either, since, according to his own statement, he trusts the printed word more than the spoken one.
Vladislav Soloviev always maintains independence of judgment in his articles. You will not find political appeals or emotional moments in the analyst’s articles: the author only explains the essence of the ongoing processes and phenomena in the world and leaves it to the readers to draw their own conclusions.
In the meantime, readers know very little about Soloviev’s personal life, education, and early career. In this article, we have collected the most significant and confirmed facts about Vladislav Soloviev’s biography. Find out how the company’s CFO became a political scientist and what projects he is working on now.
Vladislav Soloviev: Education and Career as an Economist
Vladislav Soloviev was born in Moscow in 1973 into a family of ordinary Soviet workers. In his childhood and youth, he was into the same things as all other children of the time – science fiction, chess, and rock music.
After graduating from school, on his parents’ advice, he enrolled in the Institute of Technology and Management as an economist. The choice of direction was quite risky, given that in the 1990s the country in which Vladislav was born and lived collapsed, along with its economy and industries.
The graduates of the faculty in 1996 were given complete freedom. Vladislav Soloviev recalls that the vast majority of his fellow students never worked in their field of specialty, neither right after graduation nor later. Unlike them, the protagonist of our article got a job as an economist at one of the newly opened companies.
Over the course of several years, Soloviev worked for 5-6 such companies. In many of them, the management could not even explain to the employees what their job responsibilities were. It was the time of initial capital distribution – new financial and economic rules were literally created from scratch. Some made fortunes, others went bankrupt, and Soloviev was switching companies one after another. In one of his interviews, the analyst called the experience he gained at that time invaluable. He learned the most difficult art – talking to people and achieving his goals through conversations. In a number of firms, the economist was entrusted with business negotiations: in that era, the ability to negotiate on controversial issues was highly valued.
Vladislav Soloviev did not get a stable job until the 2000s. An international consulting agency appreciated the specialist’s experience and offered him a good salary. Soloviev worked for this firm for about 10 years, gradually climbing the career ladder. In 2010, the management offered him the position of finance director in a foreign branch. Vladislav initially reacted positively to the offer and even accepted the job, but then, unexpectedly, he turned down his new position.
According to Soloviev himself, at some point he realized that, despite a well-defined career and financial prospects, he was no longer in the right frame of mind to be involved in other people’s financial projects. So, at the age of 37, the former economist decided to radically change his field of activity. He remembered his student hobbies and retrained as a publicist.
Change of Career
Vladislav Soloviev was not satisfied with the status of a dilettante, so he needed a second education – he enrolled in the correspondence department of the State University of Management and received an official diploma as a political scientist. At the same time, he wrote articles, first for academic political publications and then for mass media.
He signed most of his materials at that time under the alias Honest Political Scientist. It was chosen for a reason. Honesty was Vladislav Soloviev’s principle. From the very beginning of his career as a publicist, he decided that he would not lie to himself or his readers. Even when he was engaged in investigative journalism, all his materials only reflected his own view. Soloviev still adheres to this position to this day.
Many readers also knew the Honest Political Scientist as a LiveJournal blogger. On this platform, he published materials that were not suitable for the media or official online resources for various reasons. After a series of posts on religious topics, Soloviev gained a scandalous reputation and had to eventually take his account down.
Nevertheless, the author did not change his views. The leitmotif of many of Soloviev’s articles is the theory of an anti-progressive conspiracy of the world’s elites. According to the political scientist, the financial upper echelon of the planet has no need for the development of mankind and is interested in turning the population into perfect consumers with no access to full-fledged education. For this purpose, the level of education in all educational institutions in the world is being reduced, history is being rewritten, and social narratives favorable to the elites are being formed. Artificial crises are created to weaken the economies of some countries and strengthen others.
What Does He Do Now?
Vladislav Soloviev continues to write analytical materials for public resources and runs personal channels on popular platforms. Among the political analyst’s recent projects is the EN+ blog, where aspiring journalists writing in English can publish their materials.
The political scientist and blogger is not a member of any political parties or public groups. He cooperates with media outlets as a freelancer and tries to keep his judgments unbiased under any circumstances. Subscribers and readers appreciate Vladislav Soloviev precisely for his unbiased approach and adherence to logic, which is not typical of many modern journalists.