In an exciting development for horror enthusiasts, the indie film scene welcomes “The Girl In Yellow,” featuring Celeste Orozco in her first major role as a...
Picking up a guitar for the first time at the age of eight, Hans Seeberg, known by his stage name ‘Hasmo’, has always had music in...
Dheepa is making waves in New York City’s competitive music scene with her distinctive voice, songwriting, and music prowess. Her latest album, “Inner Flame,” dropped on...
Frankie Rockin’ Smith brings classic rock n’ roll back to life with his latest single, “At the Record Hop Tonight.” In an industry often dominated by...
Few songs capture the essence of American folklore as vividly as Woody Guthrie’s “Pastures of Plenty.” It’s a piece steeped in the history and struggles of...
Karasu Merodi, born Victor Delacourt, is quickly becoming a standout name in the colorful world of electronic dance music. Far more than just another newcomer in...
Celebrity chef Ed Porter, also known as Chef Porter, is adding a fresh twist to the culinary and music scene with his latest project “de zéro”....
Claudia TAO is thrilled to share her debut album ‘NIRVANA,’ set to release this May. Featuring the works of renowned contemporary composer Philip Glass, this classical...
In the quaint town of Santa Rita do Sapucai, Brazil, just a few hours’ drive from São Paulo—Latin America’s largest city—an event is taking shape that...
If you’re searching for a fresh sound that’ll get your head nodding, look no further than Alex Veach. This rising artist is shaking up the music...